
B.Tech in CSE

National Institute of Technology Sikkim (India)
2015 - 2019


Senior Software Engineer at HackerRank, Bangalore

July, 2022 - Present

Software Development Engineer II at HackerRank, Bangalore

Feb, 2021 - June, 2022

Responsible for DevOps Engineer Assessment tool improvements for achieving overall better scale, user experience, and performance.
Responsible for integrating DevOps Engineering Question to Codepair/Interview.

Software Development Engineer I at HackerRank, Bangalore

July, 2019 - Jan, 2021

Developing Enterprise software for the Projects team. Owns/maintains the code base for DevOps Engineers Assessment tool, built on top of AWS EC2 Instances, which is used to access candidates for DevOps Engineering role. Worked on automated scoring of candidates' submission.

Software Development Engineering Intern at HackerRank, Bangalore

Mentored by Harishankaran Karunanidhi, CTO & Co-Founder
Jan, 2019 - June, 2019

Worked closely on the payment automation using Stripe API to generate billing receipts for the Enterprise customers and send the bills to a given billing email. Implemented a method to check the browser's compatibility for the status check page. Migrated contests' pages from BackboneJS code to ReactJS e.g, contest projecteuler. Implemented a comment box for HackerRank’s Sourcing platform which appears to the recruiters for the candidate who attempts a recruiting test. Built a UI Icon library using SVGR which transforms given SVGs to desired React Component, and added Babel config to compile the Components. The main stacks used are RoR and ReactJS.

Student Developer at Google Summer of Code 2018

Software Developer at
Apr, 2018 - Aug, 2018

Worked on the enhancement of automated tests of coala, an open-source language-independent code analysis tool, written in Python, and base class of coala-bears and its tests. Code Enhancement Proposal can be found in the coala/cEPs repository. Also, created 2 bears(static analysis tools) for Ruby and 1 bear for Crystal by wrapping Brakeman, Fasterer and Ameba respectively.

Winter Research Intern at Applied Cognitive Science Lab, IIT Mandi

Mentored by Dr. Varun Dutt, SCEE and SHSS, IIT Mandi
Nov, 2017 - Jan, 2018

Developed a solution to fetch sensor data deployed under soil and save it to the database for the Low-Cost Early Warning Solution for Landslide using Arduino and 12 geological sensors. The sensors are used to collect the data values of the amount of rainfall, soil moisture, and angle variations. The data collected from the sensor triplets placed in different locations are sent to the cloud server via GSM. Created a solution to predict landslides by using a z-score of total collected soil movement data and sending alerts to people, using SMS-PP (Short Message Service, Point-to-Point) and SMS-CB (Short Message Service, Cell Broadcast) to pre-warn the people in the areas of increased risk of danger.


Student Mentor at Google Summer of Code 2019

Apr, 2019 - Aug, 2019

Student Developer at Kharagpur Winter of Code 2017

Software Developer at
Dec, 2017 - Jan, 2018

Updated html-linter from version 0.3.0 to 0.4.0 of HTMLLintBear and fixed PyLintBear which was breaking on Python 3.5.0.

Summer Trainee at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology

Jun, 2017 - Jul, 2017

Attended 200 hrs of training on Enhancing Skill for Enterprise Scale Application Development and built a Registration Portal for workshop registrations using JSP, MySQL, and Bootstrap.

Web Developer at Web Development Cell (WDC), NIT Sikkim

Jan, 2017 - May, 2019

Worked with the WDC Team to develop institute’s dynamic website. The website, deployed at, uses PHP and MySQL as initial tools and Bootstrap framework for stylesheets. I lead the Image Processing Team and maintain


  • Proficient - Ruby Python JavaScript C/C++ Bash PHP
  • Familiar - Go Dart Java
  • Proficient - ReactJS Ruby on Rails MySQL Flutter Git Kubernetes AWS GCP Docker Unix-System (Linux & MacOS)
  • Familiar - Django BackboneJS MongoDB

Selected Projects

All projects available on git :
  • Online Examination System : Developed a MCQ-based online examination tool using PHP, MySQL, HTML, JavaScript and Bootstrap.
  • Registration System for workshop : Developed a registration system along with a chat room system which has image upload and update system, using JSP, PHP, MySQL, HTML and Bootstrap.
  • Google Calculator for iOS : Created a Google Calculator like basic Calculator for iOS app using Swift.
  • PNR Status Checker : Created a CLI tool to check passenger name record in Indian Railway Journey, using Python3 and requests module.
  • Snake Game : Created a script for snake game using Python2 and curses module.
  • Abhiyantran’17 Website : A website for technical festival of NIT Sikkim.

Achievements and Awards